Distillation profile
Distilation profile is a description of how much of a hydrocarbon mixture vaporizes at different temperatures.
Gasoline is a complex mixture of different hydrocarbons with different properties. Consequently, when heated, different components will vaporize at different temperatures. How much gasoline vaporizes at low temperatures (front end volatility), medium temperatures (mid-range volatility) and high temperatures (tail-end volatility) will effect performance across wide range of dimensions and is known as the distillation profile of the fuel.
The performance effected includes:
Front-end volatility (low temperatures):
Cold start
Hot start
Avoiding vapor lock
Minimizing evaporative emissions
Mid-range volatility (medium temperatures):
Achieving quick warm up
Fuel efficiency on short trips
Good power and acceleration
Avoiding carburetor icing
Avoiding hot stalling
Tail-end volatility (High temperatures):
Fuel efficiency after warm up
Avoiding engine deposits
Minimizing dilution of crankcase oil
Minimizing VOC emissions
Distillation properties are typically measured as the temperatures of initial boiling, at specific volume percent recovery (5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%), and end point or final volume recovery.