Dalian (CNPC) refinery

Also known as:

Dalian is a very large, medium complexity refinery located in the Liaoning province of China.

The refinery is owned and operated by CNPC.

CNPC has announced plans to close the refinery in 2025, and potentially build a smaller new refinery in a different location.

Refinery configuration

Complexity: 8.2

Major process units:

Atmospheric distillation - 320 kbpd

Vacuum distillation    




Reformer - Semiregen  unit Continuous (CCR) unit

Naphtha hydrotreater  

FCC gasoline hydrotreater   

Kerosene hydrotreater   

Distillate hydrotreater   

Resid hydrotreater   

Base oil plant   


refinery website

Refinery history

2024 - CDU No2 chut down (90 kbpd)

2025 - Entire refinery scheduled for closure