
Also known as: 

سوناطراك, Société Nationale pour la Recherche, la Production, le Transport, la Transformation, et la Commercialisation des Hydrocarbures

Sonatrach is the national oil company of Algeria and owns and operates all of the refining capacity in Algeria.



Adrar - 13 kbpd CNPC & Sonatrach

Algiers - 79 kbpd Sonatrach

Arzew - 90 kbpd Sonatrach

Hassi Messaoud - 27 kbpd Sonatrach

Skikda - 462 kbpd Sonatrach


Augusta - 198 kbpd Sonatrach

Company information

Sonatrach website

Refining history

1963 - Company founded

1967 - Nationalization of refining assets of Mobil and Esso

1968 - Acquisition of 51% interest in Getty operatoins in Algerai

1971 - Nationalization of 51% of French operations in Algeria

2006 - Ardrar refinery commissioned